Re: GNOME virtual machine snapshot

Brent Smith wrote:
Hey all,

     A virtual machine with a JHBuild snapshot from 20060818 is available
in my home directory at:

The login/password = gdpuser/gdpuser123

After you login in, run "startx" to start GNOME.

To shutdown, use "sudo shutdown -h now"

This time, I also took the time to write some documentation about the
process I used to create the virtual machine.  You can find that
documenation here:

We still have free reign on docs until the 3rd of September (when
tarballs are due), so that's a good eight days.

Hope the virtual machine image helps.

Comments/Feedback are appreciated.


Hate to reply to myself, but I forgot some important information.

The image may have some problems that I am not aware of, that are not a
result of bugs - so *please* DO NOT files bugs that you find in the
virtual machine.

The compressed size is 600MB (599495447 bytes).  The uncompressed size
is 2GB.

The md5sum is 2da116676bdb4267cd87ca31e7816bed

I notice that a lot of programs crash on exit; again please do not file
bugs for problems you encounter in the virtual machine.

Thanks again,

Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>
IRC: smitten

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