unclear wording, mentioning the gerund doesn't help

The documentation style guide said this was the place to send feedback

The following section of the Documentation style guide concerns me:


Use parallel construction in headings of the same level. For example, if
you use a gerund to start one heading, use a gerund to start all headings
of the same level in the section.

Correct:  To Open a File
          To Save a File
          To Edit a File
Incorrect:  Opening a File
            To Save a File
            Edit a File

Gerund is certainly an interesting word but I do not believe it is a word
that most native English speakers are necessarily familiar with but I do
know that it is a fancy way of saying "-ing words".
I think it is not a good idea to use the term and I think the writer is
showing off how good they are at grammar, particularly since the
example does not actually use a gerund.

I hope you can rephrase this section.


Alan Horkan

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