Re: Documentation Status and Reviews

On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 04:52:23 -0600, "Shaun McCance"
<shaun mccance medsphere com> said:
> Ultimately, everything is up to the documentation maintainer.  

This was my point, really.  If the maintainer just goes off-line for a
period of time then work will stall because there is no fail-safe that
says "if you can't at least check in every fortnight during the run-up
to say you're alive, the authors can keep working by going to the
fall-back maintainer for decisions".  Other than you having to carry it
yourself, which I don't think is on.

> I think technical reviews can be really
> helpful, though.  And people should try to get them early in the review
> process, if they can.

That's one of the reasons I vaguely suggested looking at usability as a
template, or even having doc reviews part of the same cycle to make it
as painless as possible.  Dunno.

> I do think, however, that final reviews should absolutely check markup.
> The people doing final reviews should be those experience with Gnome
> documentation and DocBook.  Markup problems are typically easy to fix
> last-minute, so there's really no problem putting this off until the
> final review.

I agree.  Just doing a HTML build for submitting a link to the list
gives a basic sanity check - if it won't build your tags are definitely
wrong...  Obviously there are more subtle issues, though, that require
an experienced DocBook wrangler to spot.

Stuart Ellis
s ellis fastmail co uk

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