select custom icons-gnome2 faq

re:  possible addition to the page
subsection 4. How do I install icon themes?

I believe that it would be good to have a command line reference instruction reprinted at faq question 4. I have documented the procedure that worked for me to create custom desktop icons using gnome2 on FreeBSD 5.3.

released under the MIT license 2005

Greg Magnusson
glm cyborgspiders com
Installing Custom Icons

This method works well for me and my choice of custom icons for desktop launchers.

Download the icon package of your choice. Open a terminal window.

As root, move the icon package into the icon directory

mv icons.tar.gz /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/pixmaps

change into the icon directory

cd /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/pixmaps
gunzip icons.tar.gz
tar -xvf icons.tar
rm icons.tar

Now, to change an icon on your desktop use mouse to highlight icon.
Right-mouse-click ---------->left-mouse click properties
graphically navigate to the new folder you just unpacked

choose the image you want to appear to represent your desktop launcher.
..the same applies to creating custom desktop launchers.

May the source be with you.

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