Sun-updated docs submitted to /contrib

Hi everyone,

As you know, the Sun docteam has been updating and creating documentation for the Sun release of the Java Desktop System. I have put the following tarballs in the gnome-docu/gdp/contrib/JDSR3 directory in CVS now if you want to use any of them for the upcoming GNOME release:

ORMs/JDSR3_ORMS.tar.gz (online help manuals for JDS Solaris applications)

ORMs/JDSR3_linux_ORMS.tar.gz (changes and additions to the online help manuals for JDS Linux)

evolution-user-guideJDSR3_EVO_UG.tar.gz (Email and Calendar User Guide)

manpages/sol-manpages_2003-Oct-02.tar.gz (manpages)

manpages/sol-manpages_2004-Oct-14.tar.gz (manpages)

system-admin-guide/JDSR3_SAG.tar.gz (JDS System Adminstration Guide)

user-guide/JDSR3_UG.tar.gz (JDS User Guide)


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