gok string changes: 3 new/modified strings


As part of the 'string freeze day' GOK release, we have modified/added four strings. They are long-ish, sorry, but three of the four are similar to a previous string in the GOK "core pointer warning" dialog.

We haven't run intltool-update on the release, so the strings aren't included in the *.po files yet.

The strings are as follows

           _("You are using GOK in \'core pointer\' mode.")

THE STRING BELOW HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM CVS BUT IT IS STILL IN THE 0.12.2 DIST: sorry about the extraneous newlines.
           _("The device you are using to operate GOK"
"\nis also controlling the system pointer (or \'mouse pointer\')." "\nConflicts with applications\' use of the pointer may interfere"
                       "\nwith your ability to use applications or GOK.\n"
"\nWe strongly recommend configuring your input device as an" "\n\'Extended\' input device instead; see GOK Help for more information.")

This is the corrected string, which is in the 0.12.2 dist:

          _("The device you are using to operate GOK "
"is also controlling the system pointer (or \'mouse pointer\'). " "Conflicts with applications\' use of the pointer may interfere "
                        "with your ability to use applications or GOK.\n\n"
"We strongly recommend configuring your input device as an " "'Extended\' input device instead; see GOK Help for more information.");

_("The device you are using to control GOK is also controlling the system pointer.\n\n" "To avoid conflict with applications\' use of the pointer, " "GOK will now disconnect the device you are using from the " "system pointer for the duration of your GOK session.\n\n" "Alternatively, you may configure GOK to use another "
                        "input device instead; see Help for details.");

_("GOK has detected activity from a new hardware device named \'%s\'. " "Would you like to use this device instead of device \'%s\'?") Thanks for your indulgence in this late string change - it is in support of an important usability fix for GOK.

Best regards,

Bill and David

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