Problems with Yelp??

Hi Everybody
I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but here goes...
(if it's not please don't kill me :) )

I'm trying to convert the Octave documentation to docbook in order to use Yelp from within Octave. So far I have some things working but I'm having two problems:

1) I get quite a bit of FIXME's when I display the document in Yelp. Does this mean that I've done something wrong or just that Yelp doesn't implement all of docbook? Anyway, how do I get rid of those damn things :-) ?

2) I have some links in the documentation and they only kinda work. Example:
I have a link from one sect2 to another sect2, but when I click on it, I'm taken to the sect1 that contains the sect2 the link was refering to.
Did that just make a little bit sense? (english isn't my first language).
Anyway, is this a bug or I'm I just not good at writing docbook?


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