Re: Organization of gnome-user-docs, display in yelp

Aaron Weber wrote:
Hello all,

I've been looking at gnome-user-docs a little recently, and it's kind of got me confused, partly because I've had a hard time mapping files to the documents as displayed in Yelp.

This is indeed a bit tricky - part of which comes from 'which files to look at' and part from perfomance considerations. Its easier ones you notice the presence of the xml files which name starts in 'w'.

It appears that we've got two general introductions-- both the gnome2-users-guide and the introduction-to-gnome. Do we need both of these? Could they be merged?

When I click "Desktop" I get the following documents list, which I assume is generated from OMF files:

Solaris Accessibility Guide
System Administration Guide
Introduction to GNOME
Accessibility Preferences
Basic Skills
Advanced Preferences
Basic Preferences
Nautilus File Manager
Search for Files

I'm not even running Solaris! Why is the "basic skills" section in the middle of the list? Should some of those items be listed under others? "Desktop Background" really sounds like it's about how to set your wallpaper, even though I know it's about how to use the desktop background-- could we call it "The Nautilus File Manager and the Desktop?" maybe. or "Files on the Desktop"?

There isn't a linux specific accessibility guide yet. Sorting - the sorting is presently in the order in which documents are registered in the scrollkeeper database so everybody can (in principle) come up with their own custom ordering.

As for desktop - I think there have already been plenty of long threads on it 8-)

Personally, I'd merge "Overview" and "introduction", put "basic skills" under that, then put all the preferences items under one heading, including the accessibility stuff.... but maybe not hide it:

  * Basic skills
  * Windows
  * The Nautilus file manager
  * Panels
  * Menus
  * Search for files

   * Basic Preferences
   * Advanced Preferences
   * Accessibility Preferences

and so forth.

That might be beyond what OMF will do, though. I dunno.

This is indeed, not possible. But what we could do now that we have help pre-generation is "unexpand" the user guide chapters and make it be represented as one document again instead of having chapters accessible individualy. This will however also mean changing a lot of help links, so its probably something to be considered for 2.4

What do you all think about the way that module is organized? Is there a better way to do it?

There are different, probably better, ways to present the information but these don't really affect the module organisation for the most part.


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