Re: GNOME 2.0 System Admin Guide.

Hi Jens,

Pat forwarded your SAG suggestion to me. I'm not sure what you mean by
"kiosk mode". Do you mean to set up a system where the user could not
change preferences such as background color, the number and content of
panels, proxy, printer, and so on?


Pat Costello wrote:
> ...a suggestion...
> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
> On Wed, 2002-09-11 at 10:36, Pat Costello wrote:
> > The Sun documentation team is planning to make a start on a GNOME 2.0 System
> > Administration Guide sometime in September. Our intention is to make the
> > material as generic as possible so that other community members can use the
> > manual. We have some ideas about possible contents, but we do not have a
> formal
> > table of contents (TOC) just yet. When we do have a working idea about the
> > contents, we will publish a provisional TOC.
> >
> > In the meantime, if anyone would like to suggest topics for inclusion in the
> > System Admin Guide, we are keen to listen. I have copied this mail to the
> > developers list as well, as there are doubtless some topics that developers
> are
> > keen to see covered.
> If it's not already suggested, some hints for locking down GNOME 2 into
> a "kiosk mode" would be really nice.  I run a GNOME 1.4 system as a
> kiosk, but most of what I did to lock it down was a series of kludges.
> A more formal guide would be great.
>  - jck
> ------------- End Forwarded Message -------------

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