Re: Template for GNOME man pages.

On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 04:33:28AM +1100 or thereabouts, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Pat Costello"/>
> > Yes, basically, man pages are a requirement for executables, to give a
> > list of options, eegees, exceptions, cop-outs, and come-ons. Well, maybe
> > not the latter.  But in general, the sort of stuff that goes into a man
> > page would be too nitty-gritty for standard user documentation.
> As an aside, for everyone else's benefit, Sun has a long-standing reputation
> for crackerjack man pages. They're really, really good. Stuff like pointing
> to configuration files, other related files (like logs, locks, etc)... Like
> Pat says, the nitty gritty. Admins feel very comfortable having this stuff
> to hand. :-)

Oh yeah. How could I forget the FILES section? Really, _really_
handy. (So clearly not just for admins :)) 


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