A number of questions regarding ScrollKeeper


* Looking in the scrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml I find that all documents 
  TOC is insterted in this too. (should they be there?) If so, what's 
  the point of the /var/lib/scrollkeeper/TOC?

* Running scrollkeeper-update I (among other things) see:


  but when trying to find this document in scrollkeeper_extended_cl.xml 
  (C locale) it doesn't contain information about this document, but
  when I get the scrollkeeper-get-content-list C file it contains it.

  The problem is that it contains a non-valid <docsource> and I have no 
  idea where it finds that path.


  but nowhere in my OMF_DIR is there an omf-file including that path so 
  where does it come from?

This is with Scrollkeeper 0.3.6 since someone seemed to change 0.3.8
into validating all the documents making it impossible to get any
documents for GNOME 2 into scrollkeeper database with these errors:

  Unable to register
OMF file [/gnome/head/INSTALL/share/omf/gdp-example1/bug-buddy-C.omf]
does not validate against ScrollKeeper-OMF DTD:

(and yes, I have the latest of all GNOME2 packages).

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB                  http://www.codefactory.se/
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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