Help suckage for GNOME2

Hello all. Basically it seems help is not working at all for GNOME2.
I've done some investigation - hopefully someone knows how to solve the

I opened a bug about this:

First is the help menu items for libgnomeui (gnome-app-helper.c). I came
across a number of issues before I was able to display something. Here

1) First is the call to get_toc_location. It seems the call to popen
wasn't working. I typed the cmd string on a command line and it returned
the proper file to open yet popen wasn't working. It seems that
scrollkeeper-get-toc-from-docpath is appending a "\n" to the end of the
file name. I think this is what is screwing up popen.

2) Now in get_topics. The xmlParseFile should be xmlParseDoc since
get_best_toc_location returns the xml and not the file name.

3) This brings up the issues that libgnomui is trying to make an entry
for every topic - ie, gcalc will get the following entries: 
Introduction intro 
Using GNOME Calculator usage 
Basic usage mainwin 
Menus menubar 
Buttons buttons 
Known Bugs and Limitations bugs 
Authors authors 
License license

This doesn't seem right.

4) Now in trying to build an entry for each item, it turns out that the
xml TOC files don't seem correct at all. They had lots of extra spaces
in them (probably should just strip the extra white space) and didn't
seem to have proper begining and ending sections (I don't know the
proper xml terminology)

5) Finally gnome-app-helper.c then calls gnome_help_display which
doesn't seem to work at all. I changed it to gnome_help_display_desktop,
but is that the right call to make (that's what Mark did for

The second issue for app writes is the fact that gnome_help_display
doesn't seem to work. I looked into that a while ago and sent a message
to Jonathan. 

So I hope this helps something get the help items working. Unfortunately
I don't know enough of how it is supposed to work to fix it completely.


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