Re: XSLT in Mozilla

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 10:50:50AM -0400 or thereabouts, Alexander Kirillov wrote:
> Hi all:
> >From Mozilla 1.0 release announcement: 
> -----
> Standards support also includes XML data exchange and manipulation of
> XML documents with SOAP 1.1, XSLT, XPath 1.0, and FIXptr, as well as
> support for display of mathematical equations using MathML.
> ------
> Anyone knows more about this? Namely, how I can use mozilla to show
> DocBook XML using specified XSL stylesheets? Does it have its own XSLT
> engine?

Oh! I thought that had been deferred until Moz 1.whatever-comes-next.

But yeah, I believe that's the plan, if/when it happens. I don't
know anything more than that.


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