Re: demo of Lampadas is up

On Mon, Jul 01, 2002 at 06:38:12PM -0500, David Merrill wrote:
> There's a demo version of Lampadas online.
> The demo is up at for you all to see. This
> is the database with only default data installed, so there are no
> documents to look at. But you get an idea of how it looks anyway.

Umm, try

Something is wrong in httpd.conf, and it doesn't work unless you give
it a page name.

David C. Merrill               
Linux Documentation Project                   david lupercalia net
Lead Developer                       

The great sea has set me in motion.
Set me adrift,
And I move as a weed in the river.
The arch of sky
And mightiness of storms
Encompasses me,
And I am left
Trembling with joy.

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