Re: gnome-doc email address

On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 13:37, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Does anyone know how I can change my email address for the gnome-doc
> mailing list?
> My emails always get delayed because the computer thinks that they are
> from a non-member.  It sees them comming from "dcarrera math toronto edu"
> instead of the "dcarrera math utoronto ca" I signed up with.  They are the
> same address, but the computer doesn't know that.

Two options here, that I recall.  You can sign up both addresses to the
gnome-doc-list, and set one to not get mail (from the web interface). 
The other option is to sign up to the, hmm.., post-only list.  They both
accomplish the same thing, I think.

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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