Re: CSS for Help Docs

Dear Nicholas:
thanks for doing this! We definitely need a CSS. Here are some comments:

0. I liked the blue striped background. 

1. we need to agree on whether the logo is added by  XSL stylesheets or
by the CSS. We can't have both (as it is in your example). Doing it via
XSL stylesheets allows using different logos for different apps (as
suggested on this list earlier); doing it via CSS, as part of background
image, looks nicer. Ideas?

2. Please tone done the yellow color used for examples. Right now, it is
way too aggressive. Also: wouldn't it be better to just put a solid
background (a  light one) under the whole example rahter than to use 

By the way, I liked very much the way examples are shown in Dave
Raggett's HTML guides (see -
he uses different foreground color for them. Maybe we should do the same
with <programlisting> and <screen> tags? 

3. Something is wrong with the way lists are shown (see sections 1.3,
1.4). Do we really want that much space between number (1.)  or bullet
and the text?

4. I's rather *not* have the horizontal rule after section titles and
things  such as "Copyright", "Authors", etc. in the titlepage. 

5. One place that  might use some  colors is the navigation headers (top
and bottom). But I do not know what would be the best thing to do with

6. We might show this to usability people - e.g.  Seth Nickell
<snickell stanford edu>, who (AFAIK) is responsible for default theme
for GNOME 2. They have to look nicely togetehr. 


On Sat, 2002-02-02 at 12:32, Nicholas Curran wrote:
> Ok, at Eric's suggestion, I've created a CSS for the help docs.  It is
> by no means perfect, or even close to.  But I would like opinions,
> preferably about how to make it look better and possibly more
> functional.
> Where can you look at it?  As the poor people I've been bugging on IRC
> now know very well:
> It is a demonstration on the Style Guide.  More proof of just how useful
> that doc really is. ;)
> Enjoy,
> Nick Curran
> <quasar austar net au>
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