G2 docs status report

Folks -

It's been too long since I've done a status report on GNOME2
docs. Despite some malaise as weeks turn into months and deadlines
slip, we're getting close.

For those who haven't tried GNOME2 yet, things get more solid and
stable by the week. It's my regular desktop now.

Jeff Waugh's Garnome is, by all accounts, a great tool for building
the betas: http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/garnome/

vicious-build-scripts from GNOME cvs remain a viable option if you
want the latest cvs (the hackers are doing a good job of keeping
the latest cvs stable and buildable). And the friendly primates at
Ximian are packaging the libraries for cheap and easy access through
Red Carpet.

The status of key areas:

help API

  Thanks to Satyajit Kanungo and Jacob Berkman, the help API now
  works. More work is needed to link in help menus on apps, but it is
  now possible in at least some places to click on help and see Yelp
  fire up and display your help file. Details:

  (Thanks also to Kevin Vandersloot for heroic efforts on this

build stuff

  Dan Mueth has done an improved version of the GNOME2 docs build
  system, which can be seen in action in gnome-docu/gdp/gdp-example2
  or, in scary production code, in gnome-utils. It eliminates the
  omf-install directory step, and you no longer have to list all the
  figures individually, just the directory they're in. We haven't
  deployed it more widely because it still doesn't pass distcheck, but
  we're working on it.

  Also, further discussion is underway about an even more robust
  docs build system that would pull xmldocs.make and friends from a
  central repository so we only need to maintain a single copy, rather
  than the 14 (by my count) currently scattered through GNOME2 cvs.

  As a result, my "how to set up a GNOME 2 docs build" thing
  ("http://www.inkstain.net/fleck/build/";) is out of date, but I'm not
  going to rewrite it until we get the final bugs worked out of all
  this. Sorry. In the meantime, the old docs build system described in
  the howto will still work.


  Version 0.3.6 released, with bug fixes and new translations


responsible: Kevin Conder
converted: yes
updated: yes
build: yes

responsible: Kevin Breit
converted: yes
updated: yes
build: partial

Eye of GNOME:
responsible: Sun
converted: yes
updated: yes
build: yes

responsible: Sun
converted: yes
updated: yes
build: yes

responsible: Trevor Curtis and band of helpers
converted: partial
updated: partial
build: no

responsible: Chris Lyttle
converted: yes
updated: yes
build: yes

responsible: Michael Froh
converted: yes
updated: yes
build: yes

responsible: John Fleck
converted: yes
updated: partial
build: yes

responsible: John Fleck
converted: yes
updated: mostly
build: yes

gnome-system-monitor (formerly procman):
responsible: Bill Day (doc), John Fleck (build)
converted: yes	
updated: mostly
build: yes

gnome-terminal (formerly profterm):
responsible: Sun
converted: NA
updated: underway
build: No

responsible: John Fleck, Sun
converted: partial
updated: no
build: no

responsible: John Fleck
converted: yes
updated: mostly
build: yes

responsible: John Fleck, Dan Mueth, Sun
converted: yes
updated: in process
build: yes

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h) jfleck abqjournal com (w)
http://www.inkstain.net http://www.abqjournal.com

"You don't want to die with the music still in you."
 - John Gardner

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