Proposal: XSL Stylesheets

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In GNOME 1.4 the GDP has used their own DTD or DocBook and DSSSL stylesheets 
for the DocBook SGML docs.  In GNOME 2.0 we are going to use DocBook XML and 
therefore need some new stylesheets and a new way of constructing them.

Traditionally the DSSSL stylesheet has been an all-inclusive stylesheet 
covering print as well as HTML.  This has worked fine since few knew how to 
modify them and they have rarely needed to be changed.  With the advent of 
the switch to XML the XSL stylesheets make changing how the documentation is 
displayed easier.  Also a greater number of people know how to write and 
modify XSL.


Since a greater number of people know how to write and modify the stylesheets 
we need a better way to construct a stylesheet.  The stylesheets should be 
modularized into multiple files.  Each file should be named after the top 
level tag the templates in the stylesheet modify.


<!-- Custom template to make the term tag bold.-->
<xsl:template match="variablelist//term">
  <xsl:call-template name="inline.boldseq"/>


The above example should be placed in the file called "variablelist.xsl" since 
it matches to the variablelist tag.

A file should not depend on another or be in conflict to another.  All the 
customizations should take place inside the file and not modify the behavior 
of the customization, but modify the behavior of the base stylesheet.

The base stylesheet will be the most recent stable version Norman Walsh's 
docbook-xsl stylesheets found at:

Eric Baudais

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