Re: switching to Docbook 4.1 XML

On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 03:55:54AM -0400, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 05:44:54PM -0600, John Fleck wrote:
> > Right, and of course we should all use xml catalogs. But until we reach
> > that brave new world, --catalogs will read our stodgy old sgml and help us
> > make the smooth transition to the xml catalog world.
>   Okay. Now to get back to the original point. Can someone else reproduce
> that 4 second formating time when accessing only local resources. And if
> yes is that normal (i.e. depending on the size of the document, number of
> files, etc...) or is there some work still needed from me to make it usable ?

[jfleck jellojr C]$ xsltproc --catalogs --noout --timing ~/docbook-xsl-1.41/html/docbook.xsl  meat-grinder.xml
Parsing stylesheet /home/jfleck/docbook-xsl-1.41/html/docbook.xsl took 10 ms
Parsing document meat-grinder.xml took 487 ms
Applying stylesheet took 996 ms

That's a pretty typical time for me on a 400 mhz machine.

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h),
"Any man left on the Rio Grande is the King of the World as far as I know."
 - Becker and Fagen, 1973

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