Re: [Fwd: DOCBOOK-APPS: new way to link between documents]

  I a way I should really look at it, but I'm focusing on non-XML stuff
at the moment, and except bug  fixing in the infrastructure I would prefer
to avoid diverting efforts. I would really prefer someone else to have
a look.


On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 03:09:28PM -0800, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> I think we should investigate this a bit further.  Any volunteers to
> download and try it out?
> 	Greg

Content-Description: Forwarded message - DOCBOOK-APPS: new way to link between documents
> Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 09:51:56 -0800 (PST)
> From: Bob Stayton <bobs caldera com>
> Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: new way to link between documents
> To: docbook-apps lists oasis-open org
> I've been investigating external cross referencing with
> olink for some time, and have developed a new way of doing
> it using olink.  I've assembled a customization kit for the
> new olink I've been working on.  This kit permits anyone to
> form cross references between DocBook 4.1.2 documents and
> have them resolved by the XSL 1.45 stylesheets.  Once it is
> set up, it is easy to use.  Most of the effort is in setting it
> up.
> I've put the kit (newolink.tar.gz) on my website
> <> if you want to
> pick it up and test drive it.  It includes the
> customizations, example files, and a sample Makefile to
> process the files (using xsltproc).  It includes a HOWTO
> file with instructions for using the tools on your own
> files.
> If you want to browse the toolkit files, I've also checked them
> into the DocBook SourceForge CVS tree.  They are in:
>    contrib/xsl-custom/newolink/tools
>    contrib/xsl-custom/newolink/examples
>    contrib/xsl-custom/newolink/OlinkHOWTO.html
> You should be able to run the examples out
> of your working directory if you fix a couple of paths.
> One of the examples (modular.xml) illustrates how you
> can use XInclude and this new olink to create modular
> content files, where each module is a valid XML
> document instead of a system entity.
> This is the first release of this kit, and it doesn't have
> all the features I would like to eventually see.  I'm
> also pursuing this with the DocBook Technical Committee
> to see how it fits in with future plans for DocBook.
> Feedback is welcome.
> bobs
> Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
> Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
> Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
> Caldera International, Inc.                 fax:   (831) 429-1887
>                                             email: bobs caldera com
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