Re: GNOME User Guide - draft.

On Tue, Nov 06, 2001 at 05:36:59PM +0000, Pat Costello wrote:
> All, 
> We are making available a draft of our GNOME User Guide for review by 
> the GNOME community. You can download the pdf file of the book from the 
> following location: 
> /cvs/gnome/ gnome-docu/ gdp/ contrib/ user_guide/GNOMESSUG.pdf
> There is also an announcement on the following page: 
> As well as being a preview of what we intend to publish, we would also like to  
> invite community members to look at the User Guide in the light of being able to 
> use the material in the community desktop, as online Help for the various 
> components. In addition, we welcome all comments and suggestions about 
> developing the book. 

Pat -

This is terrific. It'll take some time to work my way through it, but
I wanted to thank y'all for the hard work that has gone into it.

I've a few questions/comments based on the bits I've read so far (it
will take a bit of time to get through the whole thing).

In the "Mouse Actions" section, you use the phrase "mouse pointer". We
haven't defined this or "cursor" in the Style Guide. Is "cursor" what
it is in text windows and "mouse pointer" when you're mousing around
the GUI?

In "2.3.3 To Give Focus to a Window":
"Double-click on the button that represents the window in the Tasklist
applet." Is that not a single click?

You use the phrase "navigation pane" for Nautilus' left panel, as the
Style Guide suggets. Has there been any discussion with the Nautilus
development team, which uses the term "sidebar" for this?

More to come....

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net (h),
"Any man left on the Rio Grande is the King of the World as far as I know."
 - Becker and Fagen, 1973

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