question re: marking index terms


I have a question on the type of index markers that scrollkeeper can support.
Scrollkeeper needs the index marker to use an id to facilitate the "jump" from 
the index to the correct location in the document.

DocBook has two kinds of index markers: 
- singular 
- multiple

1. The singular index marker is inserted where the subject occurs in the text, 
The tiger<indexterm>
<primary>Big Cats</primary>
is a very large cat indeed.

This method does not use an id. 

2. There are two ways of using the multiple index marker:
   a) put index terms at start and end of a range of text, eg
The tiger<indexterm id="tiger-desc" class="startofrange">
<primary>Big Cats</primary>
is a very large cat indeed&hellip;
So much for tigers<indexterm startref="tiger-desc" class="endofrange">. Let's 
talk about

This method uses an id, and the indexterm markers are within context in the 

   b) the other way to mark a range of text is to use the Zone attribute.
      This method specifies the content of an element (eg chapter, section) 
      as the complete range. The index term therefore points to the id of
      the element.
This method uses an id, but the index marks do not have to occur near the text
being indexed.
- this would not be of use to scrollkeeper.
However, if the index marker was inserted at start of element it indexed then it 
could be used?

Ok, those are my assumptions, I would be grateful if people could 
confirm/correct them so that I can ascertain how index markers
should be used in scrollkeeper-compatible documents.


~ I speak for myself, not for my employer ~
Mary Dwyer
Desktop Applications & Middleware Grp
Sun Microsystems Ireland
Tel: +353-1-8199222 (xt 19222)
Fax: +353-1-8199078
email: mary dwyer ireland sun com

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