Re: Time to nag

On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 10:55:30AM -0400 or thereabouts, Kevin Breit wrote:
> Greetings fellow SGML lovers,
> 	Now that I am full-time employed at Ximian, I have more time to nag
> people to get me their permission for me to QA their stuff.  This
> applies to only the following people:

As one of them, I have no problems with people poking at them, but I
-really- like to know what's changing. Sometimes I have reasons for
leaving things as they were. (Mostly I don't, but sometimes :))

What sort of QA are you doing? Checking the doc describes the actual
behaviour, or altering all the spelling and grammar to US English? 
(Be nice to make the Proper Spelling live in en_GB po if you do that :))


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