Re: Lame newbie DocBook questions (long-ish)

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 01:47:29PM +0100, Calum Benson wrote:
> I've never used DocBook before, and have a couple of questions (to which
> the answer is probably "RTFM") that have arisen as I've been trying to
> convert the GNOME Accessibility Guide to DocBook format from HTML.

Since I was one of the influences forcing you to switch to docbook, I
feel some responsibility to answer these questions.

> Second-- is there a way to insert images into tables without generating
> piles of warnings?  Right now I'm doing it like this, to insert an image
> in a table with an explanatory paragraph below it in the same cell:
> .
> .
> <entry valign=middle>
>   <mediaobject>
>     <imageobject>
>        <imagedata fileref="images/label_right" format="PNG">
>      </imageobject>
>      <textobject>
>        <phrase>Small toolbar icon with label to its right</phrase>
>      </textobject>
>    </mediaobject>
>    Small toolbar icon with label to its right
> </entry>
> .
> .
> Again, this renders into HTML and RTF perfectly (haven't tried any other
> formats), but gives me a 'document type does not allow element
> "MEDIAOBJECT" here' warning.

Docbook:TDG has an interesting warning about the contents of entry

Try making the above into:

<entry valign=middle><mediaobject>
     <imagedata fileref="images/label_right" format="PNG">
     <phrase>Small toolbar icon with label to its right</phrase>
 </mediaobject><para>Small toolbar icon with label to its right</para></entry>

I've removed the white space between block-level elements and wrapped
the caption in a para element. It's ugly, I know, but give it a try
and see what happens. Do the same with the itemizedlist.


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