spam and stuff (Was: Re: Deep Discount Magazine Subscriptions)

On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 01:13:27PM -0400 or thereabouts, Trevor Curtis wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 06:43:29PM -0400, Discount Magazines wrote:
> > Magazine Subscriptions at the lowest prices anywhere!!
> Just curious, is this list setup so that anyone can post, or does one
> need to subscribe to post?

Most of the Gnome lists are "only subscribers can post". We used
to have a lot more lists with a very open policy, until some of
them started getting loads of spam. gnome-doc-list is sort of
subscribers-only. If you email gnome-doc-list g o you need to 
be subscribed. 

But I believe there still is a docs gnome org alias which can 
be used to send stuff straight to the list. It used to work 
that way, but I don't know whether it still does. 


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