Re: Introduction and DocBook Tools query

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Eugene O'Connor - Sun ireland - Desktop Applications and Middleware - Technical Writer wrote:

> But first I need some help! I am setting up a Linux system so that I can use 
> DocBook, and I am trying to compile a list of the tools that I will need. The 
> output formats I require are PostScript and HTML.
> Here is my list so far - if I'm missing something please let me know!
> * Xemacs with PSGML major mode (anyone know the most appropriate version?)
> * db2html
> * db2ps

Eugene - Welcome. We're delighted you're joining us.

There are a couple of resources you should check out for more information
on the necessary tools.
The GDP Handbook has a section addressing the issue:

Also, toolmeister David Mason has put together a helpful we page with
links to some packages he has built to make installation of the kit

You'll also often find a helpful group of experts hanging out on IRC is
you run into problems (we all seem to have run into problems doing what
you're now doing, setting up the tools the first time :)
#docs at

Good luck,

John Fleck
jfleck inkstain net

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