Re: UI Guideline Doc...

"Arlo Rose" <> writes:

> Hey Jörg ,
> I'd like to take over as maintainer of the Gnome UI guidelines.
> I'm the UI lead over at Eazel, was the UI Lead at Apple for 5 years on the
> Toolbox and the Appearance project, and was the lead contributor (read:
> author of before the tech pubs people stepped in) of the Mac OS 8 Human
> Interface Guidelines.
> Please let me know what needs to be done to make the transition.

Should my opinion have any weigth, I vote for you, Arlo.
I have been waiting for such a document for a long time
and I am pretty sure application developers will be happy
to have such a document.


Mathieu Lacage,
212 rue de tolbiac, 75013 Paris, FRANCE

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