Re: new help browser writes:

> If you have "see also" links, you need to make sure that those links
> point to something meaningful on the user's system.  For instance, you
> need to be sure that the relevant manual pages are installed.

Yes and no.  Providing useful "feedback" is enough.  If the wanted doc
isn't installed the help system should offer (at least):

    |                                            |
    | You asked for a document which isn't       |
    | available on your local system.            |
    |                                            |
    | [x] Read the doc your local GNOME help     |
    |     server.                                |
    | [ ] Read the doc online at  |
    | [ ] Fetch the sources to install them      |
    |     locally.                               |
    |                                            |
    |    < OK >                   < Cancel >     |

Of course, a local GNOME help server has to be available and properly
configured.  Otherwise this choice should not be offered.

work :                          |
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