Re: gcalc docs (unfinished)

On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 08:06:28AM +0100, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> > >        <guimenuitem>x^2</guimenuitem> &mdash; text text text
> Why does everyone love the em-dash so much? I was thinking about
> this, because we seem to be using an <itemizedlist> and then
> separating the name and the definition with em-dashes all the
> time. What's wrong with <variablelist> if we want to separate
> name and function?

There is nothing wrong with <variablelist>, of course - it is just a
matter of taste whether to use it or <itemizedlist>. I prefer
<itemizedlist> because I generally like my headings (like function or
button name) inline, unless it is followed by a really long
explanation. And  if you
do use <itemizedlist>, I think using &mdash; is quite
appropriate. Definitely it is better than just using - . 


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