Gnome Admin Handbook (fwd)

Miguel asked me this on gnome-list - Dave is this OK? I didn't notice this
on the gdp website.

On 27 Oct 1999, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> btw, your document is very good.  Would you like to assemble all of
> your hints in a "GNOME Administrators Handbook" of some sort, it seems 
> like you have done a great job, and keeping these details documented
> seems like a very good idea.

OK I'll do this - I don't have alot of time but I can spare a couple of
hours per week. I'll get myself on the doc mailing list. And get docbook
working - failed miserably last time I tried.

Please send me any admin tips for inclusion - I'll try to get something
patched together sunday night and let you know monday.


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