Which tools to use?

I just realized that this is probably a good docbook resource this morning,
so I thought I'd head over to see what tools people are using.  I've written
a bit of DocBook on Microsoft Windows, and have a decent tool there, but in
an effort to move to *nix, I'm looking for some tools to create other types
of output from SGML DocBook.  I've downloaded the CVS and tar.gz versions of
the SGMLtools from their website, but I cannot make Jade compile on my
Solaris7 box, even with GNU tools.  I noticed something on Miguel's page
(the one that says what he's been up to) about somebody doing what sound
like conversions using "Roxen ML" with a custom hack.  Anybody have some
more info on this, so that I can find something that works on Solaris7?  I'd
also be grateful for any pointers anybody has on getting jade to compile on
Solaris7.  Thanks,

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