Re: The great "kill-scrollkeeper-with-a-blunt-spoon" Proposal


suppose a programmer with no previous "formal" involvement in GNOME/desktop development process wants to donate his time and efforts in this project.  How would one go about that?

Said programmer has sound knowledge of C, is acquianted with GNOME library stacks and is passionate about the little four-toed foot.


On 7/26/06, Don Scorgie <DonScorgie blueyonder co uk> wrote:

Since feature freeze is now upon us, I figured, what better time to
propose something new?

For the last little while, I have been musing on how to kill
scrollkeeper.  I don't know if Shaun has a plan for this or not, but I
got bored enough to write all my thoughts down into a cohesive document.
I've attached this below.  Its fairly long to read through, so I'll
summarise here:
The basic plan would be to create a new package that provided library
access to the list of documents in a system.

This package would also provide a number of utility programs to register
new docs etc. (like scrollkeeper does now).  The internals of the
package would be substantially different to scrollkeeper (read: easier
to follow / understand), but it would be compatible with current
scrollkeeper, allowing easy replacement and a gentle upgrade path.  It
would also provide a migration tool to move from scrollkeeper to the new
system and possibly an emulation mode so it could be used as a drop-in
replacement for scrollkeeper.

Questions, comments, flames all welcome.

P.S. Shaun, if you have a plan for this, please let us know, so we don't
waste too much time pondering this proposal ;)  Cheers

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