Fix to the beagle stuff, and a question


I'm planning on committing the following fix to the beagle code, but I
wanted to get comments on it before I checked it in.

        --- src/yelp-search-pager.c     6 Jan 2006 15:00:10 -0000
        +++ src/yelp-search-pager.c     9 Jan 2006 20:55:00 -0000
        @@ -560,6 +560,8 @@ search_pager_process_idle (YelpSearchPag
             beagle_query_set_max_hits (query, 10000);
             beagle_query_add_text (query, priv->search_terms);
        +    beagle_query_add_source (query, "documentation");
             beagle_query_add_mime_type (query, "text/html");
             beagle_query_add_mime_type (query, "application/xhtml
             beagle_query_add_mime_type (query, "text/xml");
This will restrict yelp hits to only the system-wide documentation
index, and not return any results in the user's home directory.  Are
there any objections to this?

The other change I am wondering if we should make in addition is
removing the various mime type restrictions (which you can also see at
the end of the patch above).  The way Beagle works right now, these
restrictions effectively only limit the search to one hit per help file.
Was there a conscious reason for this?  Without it, we also get
snippets, which are perhaps the most informative piece of information.

Please CC me, I'm not on the list.


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