Re: GtkSourceView: newbie questions


> I am new to this list, so please excuse me if these questions are somewhat  
> dumb...

I will try to reply to some of your questions.

> Unfortunately, I have some problems implementing it (see attached  
> screenshot):
> (1) I use gtk_pattern_tag_new() with the pattern
> (^|[[:space:]])_[[:alnum:]]([^_]|\n)*[[:alnum:]]_
> to highlight underlined text (replace the "_" by "*" and "/" to get bold  
> and italic, respectively). For me, the underlying regex mechanism failes  
> for national characters:

I think the problem is due to the fact you use [:alnum:].
I think you should try to match all characters except _

> (2) The pattern above never matches if it contains a newline (hard line  
> break), although it is explicitly included. This is probabely a feature of  
> the regex engine. Would it be possible to add multiline matching through  
> the api?

Multiline matching is not supported. In this case you could try to match
two different regex: "_[^_]*($|_)"  and "^[^_]*_". 
This clearly does not work if the underlined text spans 3 or more lines.

> (3) Sometimes the pattern above is not found if the matched part (i.e. the  
> part between the "_"'s) is wrapped. The following is *sometimes*  
> reproducible:
> - enter text with a highlighted phrase which is wrapped on the screen (has  
> a "soft" newline in it);
> - enter some text above it, and either the part on the first or on the  
> second line will loose the special attribute;
> - adding and erasing a space within the pattern will restore the attribute.
> I activated gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode(text_view, GTK_WRAP_WORD_CHAR) on  
> the GtkTextView. Any ideas?

No idea. It may be a repainting problem. Please, file a bug in bugzilla.

> (4) Sometimes, more than /one/ pattern should match and add highlighting,  
> e.g. *bold* in a quoted line (see shot). In that case, the quoted line was  
> found by using gtk_line_comment_tag_new() with
> ^([ \\t]*[|>:}#]){2}
> and the bold face as above. Is it possible to tweak GtkSourceView somehow  
> so this case would be treated properly, i.e. the full line has a different  
> foreground colour *and* the word in the red box is bold?

This is not possible. It will be possible in the future.


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