GtkSourceView: highlighting problems

Hi all,

I try to use GtkSourceView for highlighting the "quote levels" in an email message using two different colours. Usually, a MUA inserts a ">" at the beginning of the line to mark it as quoted. If a quoted message gets quoted again, ">" chars accumulate at the beginning of each line, depending upon the mua used sometimes separated by spaces.

I use the following code snipplet to add a GtkTextTag for "Quote-1" (k == 1) to "Quote-9" (k == 9) to a GtkSourceTagTable:

    tag_id = g_strdup_printf("Quote-%d", k);
    if (k == 1)
      pattern = g_strdup("^> ?($|[^|>:}#])");
      pattern = g_strdup_printf("^(> ?){%d}($|[^|>:}#])", k);
    text_tag = gtk_line_comment_tag_new(tag_id, tag_id, pattern);

The re's contain other chars for higher quote levels, as other mua's may use them. As the resulting code shall be used in a mua's composer which *always* inserts ">", they should be fine.

I attach a screenshot to illustrate the result GtkSourceView produces. As you can see, the re mechanism apparently fails for /some/ cases. However, I cannot see that the re's are incorrect. Any idea what went wrong here, and how I could achieve a correct behaviour?



 Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  mailto:albrecht dress arcor de
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