Re: Devhelp - adding tab support

argh, sent this from the wrong account.

Brent Smith wrote:

I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to help me add tab support to
devhelp?  I think it would be a useful feature as I've found myself
wishing I could keep several pages open before.

I've figured out how to hook the middle click on a link with
some help from the liferea source code, but there are a bunch of other
issues that I'm not sure how to fix "the right way".  For instance,
keeping track of separate histories for each tab, and managing all the
instances of the DhHtml class.  I'm fairly new to gobject/gtk+, so I'm
looking for someone who would be willing to discuss the structure and
a sane way to do the implementation.


Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>
IRC: smitten

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