The state of MonoDevelop


	Not sure how much of this will be new info to some of you guys, and how
much will just be a rehashing of stuff you already know, so I will stay
brief and to the point (at least try to).

	For the past month or so a couple of the mono hackers have been playing
with a port of SharpDevelop to Gtk#/Gnome#. We have made some pretty
good progress. If you need more info, we have a list setup at and some of us have been blogging about it.

	Right now we are going for as much Gnome desktop integration as
possible. Ben Maurer is working on replacing our custom text control
with a binding that uses GtkSourceView for further Gnome integration.

	I am curious if anyone here has given any thought to using parts or all
of what we have for Scaffold or other devtools projects. I feel that
there is great potential, as one of C#s greatest abilities is how easy
it can work with C, and any other .NET language (For example, there is
some good work being done on a python.NET compiler that would allow
python to be used.)

	As an aside, please, try and restrict the anti-mono/C# flames a bit ;).


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