[Gnome-devtools] GtkTrace-0.0.1.

I've released GtkTrace-0.0.1.

GtkTrace is a tool for tracing gtk signal propagation.
With GtkTrace you can do:

(1) list up all emitted signals that emissions are triggered by a GUI

(2) list up all call back functions associated with the emitted signals.

(3) open the source code in which one of the listed call back function
    is connected to a signal with an editor.

GtkTrace might be useful to understand the rough behavior of a program
written by other people.

Changes since 0.0.0:

	* Track all gtk_signal_connect* family and 
          gtk_signal_disconnect* family.
	* Cut off filter
 	* Extra editor support
	* Disable mode(via GTK_TRACE enviroment variable)
	* gtkTrace-config
	* Level meter
	* I18N 

You can get GtkTrace-0.0.1.tar.gz from ftp.gyve.org/pub/gtkTrace.

Masatake YAMATO

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