Re: how much bonobo

El lun, 04-04-2005 a las 01:34, Rahul Sundaram escribió:
> --- Pipo <pipo2m5 yahoo com ar> wrote:
> > 
> > is bonobo heavily used in bonobo now ?
> That question doesnt make any sense to me
Sorry, perhaps my english is bad. The question is because i've read
many papers, magazine's articles where the gnome's goal is to be a
system made up with distributed components, so bonobo will be used in
every gnome application.

But, here in this list i found that is not so true. Here i get advised
that many applications like nautilus don't use bonobo anymore.

I just want to know why is that 'pilosophy' change.

Thank you
> > i've read some papers, and bonobo is suppossed to be
> > the base of any
> > gnome application. is it true today ?
> bonobo is being used currently by several gnome
> applications but dbus
> seems to be more
> favored now
> Regards
> Rahul Sundaram
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