Re: Gnome development thinking!

Henrik Brink <hb pro-it dk> writes:


> Yes, I can see what you mean. As you've probably guessed, I have no
> experience in Gnome coding, and I just thought I would make a proposal
> for every aspect og the Gnome development. 
> I still want better translation, and then I'll have to join every
> project that doesn't have danish translation. I know a couple of people,
> including myself, that could do these translations very easy if there
> wasn't so much work, just to contact people etc.
> Many new people will feel the same way, and better translation will mean
> more Gnome-users and so on.

Hej Henrik,

About the translations: I'm the coordinator for the Danish team (which
for the time being consists of me mostly :-). Negotiate with me what
you're interested in, start translating and send the result to me.
Then I'll take care of the rest. I suggest you look here for ideas of

I øvrigt har jeg en projektside her:

Men bemærk at listerne over hvem der laver hvad, er noget forældede.
Jeg ville være meget glad for at få hjælp. Du skal nok især kigge
under office, extras og måske developer-apps hvis det interesserer

Men skriv endelig! Så finder vi ud af detaljerne undervejs.

Ole Laursen

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