zvtwidget and vim

several people noticed that for example in vim 
(but also in jove, jed as I checked) 
numeric keypad doesn't work in gnome-terminal or in multi-gnome-terminal
though it works in xterm for example
using same apps, a way to solve this  problem is the following
patch for the file zvtterm.c:

 case GDK_KP_0:  case GDK_KP_1:  case GDK_KP_2:  case GDK_KP_3:
 case GDK_KP_4:  case GDK_KP_5:  case GDK_KP_6:  case GDK_KP_7:
 case GDK_KP_8:  case GDK_KP_9:
    /* if (appl_keypad) {
      p+=sprintf (p, "\0330%c", 'p' + (event->keyval - GDK_KP_0));
     } else {*/
      *p++ = '0' + (event->keyval - GDK_KP_0);

as you can see I simply removed the if/then/else statement,  
but I don't know whether this is the right/best solution to this 
problem, what's your opinion? could anyone help me?
                                                thanx a lot
  Cristiano De Michele,
  Department of Physics,
  University "Federico II" of Naples

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