Re: [Patch] libzvt totally broken for fontset, hence CJK.

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Drazen Kacar wrote:

> Vlad Harchev wrote:
> >  You seem to be totally wrong.
> >  It's easily possible to switch locales at run time.
> Not to switch, but to use two different locales in two different parts
> of the program. One for each thread for example, or the different ones
> in two different GTK widgets, or one by some library code and another
> by the main program.
> It's impossible in the threads case, because they can run simultaneously
> and the locale is per process. It's possible in other cases, but
> it's too hard to beat the system, so most programs don't even try.

 Yes, it's impossible to have per-thread locale.
 But availability of several locales can be simulated by back-and-forth
switching locale.

 Best regards,

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