Re: Problems with the "intl" directory.


George wrote:

I recently had the same problem.  What seemed to happen is that part of
gettext installation got wiped somehow (my gettext install is in a
userwritable directory).  Reinstalling gettext solves stuff
Wasn't this identified recently as being caused by doing a "make 
uninstall" from something that came from CVS? For some reason it seems 
to wipe out some of the gettext stuff.
Pretty nasty!

_____ _         _       _____
| __  | |___ ___| |_ ___|   __|_ _ ___        Chris "Ng" Jones
| __ -| | .'|  _| '_|___|__   | | |   |  chris black-sun co uk
|_____|_|__,|___|_,_|   |_____|___|_|_|
S o f t w a r e

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