Re: global (MacOS Style) menubar applet

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 10:55:09AM +1100, Nathan Hurst wrote:
> For that matter, what is the advantage of a toolbar anyway?  Has any
> research been done to show that they are useful?  I've always felt that it
> is just as easy to memorise a key combination as it is to memorise the
> icon/position of a toolbar icon.

I suspect you'll find this is not universally true. There are more
mnemonic icons than key combinations. Heavens knows how many Gnome
programs I have beginning with the letter 'G' and there aren't that many
key combinations that involve 'G' -- so eventually I'd have to pick
non-intuitive ones even before running out ... "is Ctrl-Alt-G gnorpm or
gnucash? .. oh dear ... if only I had an icon of a dollar sign for
gnucash and an rpm icon for gnorpm I'd be able to remember." :-)

And I can't make it easier by having tooltips for key combinations. :-)

Malcolm  <-- tongue slightly in cheek.

Malcolm Tredinnick            email: malcolm commsecure com au
CommSecure Pty Ltd

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