Re: Canvas change in gnome 1.2 (helix)

On Fri, 26 May 2000, Nathan Hurst wrote:

> Because of font brokenness.   I'm halfway through making a freetype based
> gnome-canvas-aa widget.  You've welcome to my partial code.  

Where I can find your code?
I am currently collecting ideas for Gnome Font Server, which would serve
as ultimate font outline and rasterization resource for both printing and

> Incidently, is there a recommended way to do pure antialiased pixmaps?  I
> want to render a single channel alpha only buffer with a given rgb colour
> onto the back buffer.  Currently I'm cheating and filling a gdk-pixbuf
> (rgba) with a flat colour and copying the alpha into the bpixbuf's alpha
> channel.  This is slow because I have to write to a pure 1 channel
> buffer(because freetype prefers that), copy that to the gdk-pixbuf, fill
> in the rgb components, which then get copied to the gnome-canvas back
> buffer, which then gets copied to the X screen buffer.  Clearly the middle
> stages are superfluous.

Raph has new libart rendering framework, which should (by my knowledge) be
able to render graymaps to rgb(a) buffers. Hopefully it find its way to
gnome-libs as soon, as it is stable enough.

> Is there any move to implement a solution to this problem?  If not, I'll
> try to do it.
> njh


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