Re: goad status

On 12 Sep 1999, Elliot Lee wrote:

> On 11 Sep 1999 13:43:17 -0400, <> wrote:
> >Yup. I was just trying to get a plan together for after the 1.0.50
> >release.
> >
> >And making orbit work with resolve_initial_references on the nameserver
> >should not break anything because nothing is using it because it is
> >broken. 
> GNOME-specific stuff is not going into ORBit. The reason that we have a
> gnome_name_service_get() routine is so that GNOME can do its own thing
> with name service bootstrapping.

Um, in what way is getting the orbit name server through
resolve_initial_references a gnome specific thing?

gnome_name_service_get is a way to get around the fact that you can't use
resolve_initial_references on the orbit name server. If orbit could get
its own name server, I wouldn't see a need for gnome_name_service_get.

> -- Elliot
> Kennedy colonel fissionable domestic disruption DES World Trade Center
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