Re: Our organization at shows.

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Elliot Lee wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> > shows and we have a booth.  The idea basically is to have the various
> > hackers/users that go to the shows to commit to go to the booth at
> > some hour and answer questions on a specific GNOME topic.
> >From what I hear, there are enough problems having people commit and
> follow through on just getting the booth put up and taken down. This is
> just second-hand knowledge from someone who had to take down the booth at
> ALS because all the GNOME hackers had run off.
> It would be nice to have someone who was in charge of coordinating a
> booth for all relevant shows, though.

I'm available on Sunday for a few hours if you need me.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- finger for PGP block

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