
I tried to add a gtk-xmhtml widget to horizontal pane, and it exit(1)'d my
program and printed "Die vertical boy boy die!" before it exited.

I noticed that gtk-xmhtml.c had a line commented out in cvs version 1.51
that printed "Die boy boy die", but not the line i got above. I have
commented this out in my local copy and all works well. Could this get
commented out in the repository as well?

lines 1417-1421 is the commented out one, 1431-1433 is the one that needs
commenting out.

Also, I'm not sure if this is due to lack of work done on the html widget,
but when I create a notebook, and put 2 diff html widgets on 2 diff pages,
if I switch around between the pages, the html pages stop updating. only
one shows up. this also happens if i try to hide the widget and reshow it
in a hbox. any suggestions on fix?

Danny Dulai                                           Feet. Pumice. Lotion.                  

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