Re: Email library/API

No. from what I have heard, they use some propriatary extentions to an
imap4 server, x.400 internally, and ldap for acessing the x.400
directory. you dont store email in ldap. you store information about each
user in the directory.

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:

> > > IMAP.
> > > they used a modifed version of imap4
> > 
> > I am sure Exchange does more than mail.  So, can we find out all the
> > features of it?
> Talked to a friend of mine who is an ex-microsft employee.  He didn't know
> exactly but he believes that they are using the Icalendar standard for the
> calendarizing part.  (I've mentioned this before)  I've seen this same
> information on the microsoft web page and in dejanews.  So I'm reasonably
> confident that we can use it.  They are also using X.400 for email
> structure, and LDAP I believe for storing the mail. (I'm not sure about
> this one)
> 	sri

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