Re: The future of GNOME.

Miguel de Icaza twisted the bytes to say:

 >> If you had these components you could possibly create a decent
 >> vector illustration application or a page layout application without
 >> having to build a new framework each time.

 Miguel> You read our mind.  But we already started implemeting it some time
 Miguel> ago :-).  The idea of EzPaint is to be deployed inside various
 Miguel> applications, like Gnumeric (gnumeric currently has its own drawing
 Miguel> system which is going to be replaced with EzPaint).

I have been working in the creation of a tool to annotate PostScript
and PDF (sort of what Acrobat destiller) does. The idea is to be able
to put arrows, boxes and text on top of a PDF or PS document.  So far
I have been looking at Ghostview and I have been tring to port it to
GNOME. In the process, I discover that Ghostview defines an X11 Widget
to display PostScript. Does anybody know if there is a PostScript
widget in GTK? Anybody working on something similar? 

My guess is that it will be a valuable widget to have and maybe to
include in EzPaint.

I am not an expert in GTK, so I am stumbling a little bit (I have
never created a widget). If you have any ideas on where in the widget
hierarchy it will fall, what widget to use as a basis or any tips they
will be greatly appreciate it.


 Miguel> Miguel.

 Miguel> -- 
 Miguel> To unsubscribe: mail with "unsubscribe"
 Miguel> as the Subject.

Daniel M. German                  "And ye shall know the truth,
   John 8:32 ->                    and the truth shall make you free."


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